Thank God, Content quality finally pays off and the rivalry between Goggle and Facebook keeps each other improving at knife’s edge, so much so at confusing the marketers for their choice of Ad platform. Nevertheless, the trends are shifting towards smartphone, more marketing technology and data driven purposeful approach. No one wishes to bet money blindly on Boost Post ads any more. Insightful infographic on not just advertising tools and social platforms, but also on purpose driven marketing that every marketer should pay attention to.
If the above resonates with you, the following infographic is bound to keep you scrolling down till the end. Quite insightful:
Trends are shifting and penetrating in small and medium enterprises as well, even in tier-2 cities in India. The potential at which the marketers sit, is shifting places at a humungous speed. How we market the opportunity today, can be game changing for your business growth in the future. Marketers Adopt early, or later, but they need to adopt at least . Insightful infographic on purpose driven marketing that every marketer should pay attention to.
With the need to evolve ever rising – business owners, top level management, CEOS very well understand the need to respect the expertise each niche requires. What are you thoughts as marketer yourself , we wait to hear them in the comments below.
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